[OutVoice] Bogus GET WET CD up @ iTunes and Amazon

Zecca Esquibel zecca at erols.com
Thu Mar 19 11:23:52 CDT 2009

Sorry, folks, my mistake.  Someone, without our permission, has uploaded 
lousy MP3's of the complete GET WET album onto Amazon.com 
<http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vQW1hem9uLmNvbQ==> and iTunes. This 
CD most certainly comes off of someone's old cassette or vinyl, NOT 
studio masters. The fact that some jerk is making money off of this is 
bad enough, but what's worse is that you'll end up with a poorer copy 
then what you could have downloaded free from our site at Soundclick! 
Please do not buy these albums. You'll be disappointed. Those of you who 
received my first surprized notice when we found ourselves on iTunes, 
please accept my appology for not having first listened to the tracks 
myself. I naively assumed they were uploaded by the rightfull owners of 
the studio masters.

Peace and Love,

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